Digital Transformation and role of HR & Organizational Development

- September 26, 2019
- 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Erste Bank Event Center I Milutina Milankovića 3a, Novi Beograd
- 0800 201 201
why this topic?
Welcome to Belgrade’s first Learning and Networking event dedicated to Digital Transformation, HR and Organizational Development.
Digital Transformation has become a huge buzzword lately, and not without a reason. It is at the same time a process and an outcome, in a way a revolution but, at the same time, it more of an evolution really.
Experts across the world define it in different ways, which is why there are so many questions, uncertainty and sometimes even fear. However, regardless of the definition, they all agree on the essence – it is a fundamental change of how an organization functions internally, how it produces its products and services and, most importantly, how it affects end users/clients.
what does that mean for HR?
Along with transformation of the organization, HR is changing too. And by changing we don’t mean just digitization or digitalization of HR services, but a true shift from running transactional processes to becoming a digital business partner and actively supporting the transformation of the whole organization.
Obviously, this raises so many questions, such are:
- What exactly is digital transformation and how is it different from digitalization and digitization?
- Is Corporate Learning a tool for change or a subject to change?
- Should HR transform first or with the rest of the organization?
- Is digital transformation a project, a program or a process?
- How can we know if we succeeded?
These and many other questions are tickling brains of HR and Organizational Development managers in all parts of the world and the issue is becoming a pressing one. Digital transformation is quickly becoming a must and the sooner an organization starts changing, the better.
the event
In order to support HR/OD community in Serbia, we at Tuturutu Consulting have decided to organize this one day event with an idea to spark the discussion on the topic of digital transformation, try to answer as many questions as possible, share best and worst case practices and, we hope, keep the communication alive afterwards.
With a huge Thank You to Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad the event is free for participants.
The event will be facilitated by Prof. Dr. Andreas Mueller our long time research and business partner, who is actively researching and exploring the topic for years already. He was kind enough to share his time with us, and guide us through the day full of learning and knowledge sharing.
- 09:00 — 11:00
Keynote lecture on digitalization/transformation, organizational change, algorhytms/AI - 11:00 — 12:00
Review of the current state of participants’ organizations - 12:00 — 13:30
Interactive session on HR processes and digitalization - 12:30 — 15:00
Interactive session on Digital transformation
(and role of HR and OD) - 15:00 — 16:00
Best and Worst Case Practices
Prof. Dr.
Andreas Mueller
After his graduate studies in Germany and France, he finished his PhD at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He was lecturing at Universidad de Venezuela and TU Braunschweig, and pursued postgraduate studies in Management at Ross School (US) and Ashridge Business School (UK). Since September 2016, Andreas Mueller is a full professor of People Management at Kempten University of Applied Sciences.
Dr Mueller has (co-)founded two corporate universities, starting with Volkswagen AutoUni in 2003, where he founded its School of Science and Technology. In his role he represented Volkswagen’s academic links to the MIT in Boston and he oversaw all AutoUni activities in Latin America. In 2007, he became Chief Learning Officer at Erste Group and founded its Erste School of Banking and Finance with operations in 8 countries.
His focus is on organizational (culture) change & transformation, where he has also works as advisor to international corporates. He shares his expertise in several communities of practice. His current research topics include Digital HR and Corporate Digital Learning.